- Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral
- The Short Cut To The Crosses
- She Moved Thru’ The Fair
- Gortnamona
- My Lagan Love
- Trottin’ To The Fair
- Bantry Bay
- A Ballynure Ballad
- The Fairy Tree
- The Last Rose Of Summer
- Danny Boy
- The Kerry Dance
Back to music from my own country again. I recorded some of the songs I had previously featured on my first album. This album had been sold only in the United States of America so this was a chance to bring the songs to mainly British and Irish audience.
The songs are all what I would describe as classical ballads.”The Kerry Dance”, “Trottin to the Fair” and of course beautiful “Danny Boy” the last song I must have sung hundreds of times but each time I sing it I always find some different “feel of the moment” sort of thing and Its like singing it for the first time.
The photographs for this album were taken in Powerscourt Gardens again in County Wicklow Ireland.